Best Weight Loss Pills
Weight loss pills of many varieties have flooded the market as the billion dollar diet industry searches for new and interesting ways to squeeze pennies out of the overweight American populace.
Unfortunately, pharmaceutical companies have jumped on the band wagon as well offering prescriptions for power dietary aids at unfriendly prices. Many popular prescription drugs contain Phentermine or Ephedra, which have potentially damaging side effects. No wonder some people find it difficult to pick the best weight loss pill out of all the hype.
Natural weight loss pills or prescription weight loss pills?
Given the danger of prescription pills, it's no surprise that many people are turning to safe and effective natural supplements and the old fashioned basics of diet and exercise. Of course, supplements and prescription drugs have certain basic differences. Prescription dietary aids, despite the sometimes debilitating side effects, are scientifically proven to do something in the fight against weight loss.
However, the ingredients of herbal supplements can be just as telling as to whether they will have a definite affect. Many herbal supplements consist mostly of things like sugars, water, or straight caffeine and confuse the issue by using the placebo effect to their advantage in testimonials and advertisements.
Knowing the ingredients of a product can tell a buyer exactly what is inside and further research will reveal what each individual ingredient generally does. For most people, herbal supplements are the best diet pill because they have almost no serious side effects and rely on natural methods of losing weight.
Common Ingredients in Weight Loss Pills
Most weight loss pills rely on one of two methods for losing weight: by suppressing your appetite or by boosting your metabolism. For years, the leading ingredients in weight loss pills were caffeine and ginseng, two powerful metabolism-boosting ingredients.
Other popular ingredients include EGCGs, which some scientists hypothesize direct the body to burn fat first. Blue Vervain and Senna work to clean the digestive system, thus easing the burden of processing food and ridding the body of toxins, both of which promote long term weight control. This is why they are common in the leading colon cleansing products.
But when it comes to burning off fat fast, there are no herbal remedies proven more effective than green tea to shed unwanted pounds. Green Tea has been used for centuries for natural weight loss because green tea catechins increase metabolism, even while at rest. The caffeine found in green tea functions as an energy-burning diuretic to boost your metabolism, suppress your appetite and eliminate 'water weight' caused by fluid retention.
Green Coffee Beans have similar benefits to Green Tea, providing caffeine and antioxidants to kick-start your metabolism. In addition, green coffee also contains chlorogenic acid, which helps increase fat oxidation and prevents the absorption of excess glucose into the bloodstream.
Recently, the use of Garcinia Cambogia has exploded onto the market. This super fruit from Southeast Asia contains compounds which increase the body's ability to convert fat into usable energy and suppress appetite in order to help you lose weight and avoid the temptation to overeat. The hydroxycitric acid (HCA) found in the Garcinia fruit helps to prevent the body from storing fat; instead, your body is encouraged to burn this fat for energy, making it easy to lose weight and keep it off.
Also the subject of much attention recently, Raspberry Ketone has become an essential weight loss ingredient. Raspberry Ketones promote the body's natural fat burning process to burn through fat before it can deposit itself on the waistline, making it a powerful addition to any weight loss supplement. In addition, raspberry ketones also help to regulate your metabolism and appetite to curb unwanted snacking.
Selecting the Best Weight Loss Pill
The best weight loss pill would take advantage of as many appropriate herbs as possible to purify the body and promote safe, healthy weight loss. Proven natural ingredients like raspberry ketones, garcinia and even a moderate amount of caffeine create a rapid weight loss aid that contributes to overall health. Some of the leading products on the market include:
- Raspberry Ketone Force, which combines all of these ingredients to provide the maximum overall benefits. Aside from the weight loss you're aiming for, you'll find yourself more energetic and in better general health. Even those who struggle to get enough exercise will get dramatic results with the use of this product.
- Ultimate Garcinia provides effective and potent weight loss by starting with a large dose of Garcinia Cambogia. Ultimate Garcinia uses Chromium and Calcium to help maximize the benefits of Garcinia. This supplement is excellent for those who desire weight loss along with appetite suppression to avoid the temptation to overeat.
- Core Cleanse is an all-natural herbal weight loss supplement which utilizes some of the best colon cleansing agents known to herbalists. It helps to gently flush the colon to eliminate years of excess waste and toxin buildup from unhealthy eating. This cleanse can be a great way to begin your healthy diet regimen, allowing you to get the maximum effects from the use of a weight loss pill and new healthy eating habits.
#1 Weight Loss Recommendation
Burn Fat & Lose Inches Off Your Waist Now
Keto XS is the keto diet pill you need to take your weight loss to the next level. You'll have tons of energy, the fat will melt away from your waistline, and you will feel mentally sharper than you would on a typical calorie restriction diet. Keto XS fuels your body with pure fat-derived ketones to help your body learn how to burn fat for fuel and develop a leaner, better looking physique!